international seminar, conference, linguistics, indonesia, syntax, pragmatics, descriptive linguitsics, linguistics for translation, systemic functional linguistics, sociolinguistics, phonology, morphology


We are looking forward to paper porposals in a form of less than 300 words (not including the references). The proposal should be written in English and should at least contain the objective of the study, methodology, and main findings. 
The topics may cover but not limited to: 
# Interlingual and intercultural communication
# Discourse analysis
# Translation Quality Assessment
# Social/Cultural issues in translation
# Language in (social) media# Pragmatics competence for translators/interpreters
# Information Technology in translation# Translation of literary works
# Curriculum for translation education/training 
# Language/translation for specific purposes
# Curriculum for translation education/training

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

The International Seminar SEMANTIKS PRASASTI 2023

Hosted by Doctoral Linguistics Study Program of Universitas Sebelas Maret


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