international seminar, conference, linguistics, indonesia, syntax, pragmatics, descriptive linguitsics, linguistics for translation, systemic functional linguistics, sociolinguistics, phonology, morphology

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

General Papers

Effectiveness of Biosynthesis Nanosilver Inulin Gembili Tuber (Dioscorea esculenta L.) on Variation of Inulin Solution Towards Particle Sizes and Antibacterial Activities
Dian Eka Ermawati, Ari Yuniastuti, Hayunda I'zaaz Fajrin
Implementation of Value Engineering for More Efficient Materials Used in Road Improvement Project
Ary Setyawan, Indria Febriana, Sugiyarto Sugiyarto
Deflection and Tensile Stress Evaluation of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Material at Damaged Road
Ary Setyawan, Wibowo Wibowo, Farikh Fajri Fuadulumam, Abel Galang Setiawan, Galih Rizqi Aji Prabowo
Dimeric 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol-capped silver nanoparticle reveals good synergetic anticancer effect against HeLa cancer cells and antioxidant activity
Triana Kusumaningsih, Maulidan Firdaus, Wahyu Eko Prasetyo
Notes on Espenson’s Time-lag Method for Determining Catalyzed Reaction Fitting
Patiha Patiha, teguh endah saraswati, sayekti wahyuningsih, maulidan firdaus, abu masykur
Affirmation of the Separate Rate-law Method for Determining Michaelis-Menten or Catalyzed Reaction Fitting-Constants
Patiha Patiha, teguh endah saraswati, sayekti wahyuningsih, maulidan firdaus, abu masykur
Borate Glass for Low Loss Optical Fiber
Azmi Saraswati, Devara Ega Fausta, Ahmad Marzuki
Garlic Essential Oil Contribution of Enhancing the Biological Activities on Chitosan Film: A Review
Annisa Istiqomah, Maryam Rahmi Utami, Maulidan Firdaus, Triana Kusumaningsih
Properties And Utilization of Moringa Oleifera Oil For Food Preservation: A Review
maryam rahmi utami, annisa istiqomah, Triana Kusumaningsih, Maulidan Firdaus


Preliminary Study of Reduced Graphene Oxide Cobalt Sulfide Synthesis
Agus Supriyanto, Kunthi Ratna Kawuri, Ari Handoyo Ramelan, Sayekti Wahyuningsih, Qonita Awliyah Hanif, Hamid Imam Fathoni
Compositional Dependence of Density and Refractive Index in Borotellurite Glass
Ahmad Marzuki, Widoastiningrum Madya Sari Djeksadipura, Venty Suryanti, Devara Ega Fausta

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

The International Seminar SEMANTIKS PRASASTI 2023

Hosted by Doctoral Linguistics Study Program of Universitas Sebelas Maret


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