international seminar, conference, linguistics, indonesia, syntax, pragmatics, descriptive linguitsics, linguistics for translation, systemic functional linguistics, sociolinguistics, phonology, morphology

Conference Timeline and Information


First day of conference September 7, 2021
Last day of conference September 8, 2021


Go Live (as a Current Conference) June 7, 2021
Move to Conference Archive September 9, 2021


Author registration opened June 7, 2021
Author registration closed September 5, 2021
Call for Papers posted June 7, 2021
Submissions accepted June 7, 2021
Submissions closed September 5, 2021


Reviewer registration opened June 7, 2021
Reviewer registration closed September 7, 2021

Website Posting

September 1, 2021
September 10, 2021
September 4, 2021
January 8, 2022

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

The International Seminar SEMANTIKS PRASASTI 2023

Hosted by Doctoral Linguistics Study Program of Universitas Sebelas Maret


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